The purpose of the Sport Class Air Racing Association is to highlight new and innovative work being done in the development of high performance kit built aircraft. In order to promote development of new aircraft and ideas, the aircraft eligibility is very relaxed compared to most racing. The aircraft eligibility, as read from the Sport Class Rules, is shown below:
Sport Class Air Racing
The home of all things related to Sport Class Air Racing.
This very relaxed set of limitations inspires many ‘out of the box’ ideas in the interest of going faster. In any given year, aircraft can be found with power plants ranging from standard Lycoming or Continential engines found on most general aviation aircraft, or as exotic as radial engines and V8 powered applications. Power multipliers like supercharging and turbocharging are very common on the faster aircraft, not to mention exotic fuels, anti-detonation injection and Nitrous Oxide!
This diversity promotes air racing to the majority of kit built aircraft that exist today. If your airplane meets the above requirements, you should be racing! Anything from a beautiful RV-3 or a fire breathing NXT can be found around the pylons in September.
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Want to race?
The links below will walk you through the process to become a certified Sport Class Race Pilot!