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Mike Dacey

Sport Class Champions 2010

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This years races while a dissapointment to some, where a sweet finish to at least two very hard working racers. Mike Dacey and Jeff Lavelle have been at this for a long time and 2010 was simply their year! To see the unexpected Questair Venture and the Glasair III at the top of the heap this year was certainly surprising but it only goes to show that racing is so much more that simply speed. Preparation, paticience and persiverence are so much more important than most outside the sport understand.

Mike Dacey has been in the Sport Class since its inception and sent this message to you all: Read More

Mike Dacey Receives Tommy Rose Award

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The Rose Family created the “Tommy Rose” award to be awarded each year to the Racer that demostrates the most improvement and professionalism for the year. The award was created in loving memory of Tommy Rose, whom was killed during a sport class race in 2002 when his aircraft impacted the ground.

“Tommy was a great friend and a wonderful competitor. It is a great honor to be the first to receive this award,” says Mike Dacey after receiving his award. Read More